Legal statements
HL HEALTH SUPPORT, Société par Actions Simplifiées au capital de 5000 euros
92, rue de Rivoli, 75004 Paris
Contact technique :
RCS Paris 822 108 353
TVA Intracomm. : FR64 822 108 353
Confidentiality policy - Use of personnal data
Throught this website, we may collect some of your personnal information if you use our contact form.
Collected data may be:
- Name (mandatory)
- First name (optionnal)
- Phone number (optionnal)
- email adress (mandatory)
- field of activity (mandatory)
These collected data will allow us to answer to your request the most accurately in case you are contacting our company and may be use, if needed and appropriate, to send business proposals if you expressed the need for it.
We are also using the statistical tool Google Analytics.
Personnal data you will transmit us will never be shared with third parties, and will be destroyed after 12 months if not used by the company.
According to the regulation, you have a right on :
of your data.
Our website do not use "cookies" and your browser will not collect any specific information on the way you are visiting our website.
You can make use of your rights stated above by contacting our technical support
Our website is hosted by the company OVH, 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix (RCS 424 761 419 00045), France.
Copyright HL Health Spport - 2018 - All rights reserved - Photos credits Shutterstock